Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back to 22nd December

I never thought its December already..
Feels like time is moving so fast..
Hmm.. Never thought I'm gonna face this old memories again..
Still,,I cant forget that date.. 22 December 2008,,is the date that she agree to be someone special in my life..
Damn.. That was 3 years ago..
Since that day,,everything was so beautiful for me.. I don't care to spend so much money to reload my credit just to call her when she's at her hometown..
Well,,she's not Malaysian or Sarawakian..:)
I was so happy back then..
I'm the one who screwed up our relationship..
If I didn't messed up that time maybe me and she still together right now..
All because of me..
I don't blame her for leaving me,,besides she's already hold on for a long time and think that I'll change my attitude..
But I'm the one who never change.. I promise her that I'll change but I didn't do it and I not keeping my promise towards her..
She already give twice chance for me change my attitude but I take it for granted..
Then she give up and go away leaving me behind..
No matter how many times I'm begging her to give me another chance,,everything is too late..
Even though that time I'm really wanna change,,I can't earn her trust anymore..
All because I didn't keep my promise to her..
Since she go,,it's really hard for me to forget her and just move on..
I don't know how long I take time just to move on..
I was so sad and broken heart that time.. Its so hurt..
Totally hurt..
Then,,even though I can't forget her.. I tried to move on and start a new beginning..
I know all the memories between me and her still clear in my head..
But I'll keep it as a lesson so that I didn't do the same mistake again if I already find someone..
(*still single..hahahaha;p)
I admit that sometimes I miss her but let past be the past..
Move forward and I'm sure one day I'll find someone that God already prepared for me..
Because I know when God takes something off from us,,its sure He leaving us empty handed to receive something better..:)

Hello December

Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm tired being sad

I'm tired being hurt

I'm tired of crying

I'm tired of trying

I'm tired being broken

I'm tired of rejected

I'm tired of this things..

Instead of being tired by all of this, Why can I just live my life, smile, enjoy every moment with my family and friends and don't give a damn at all about others..
Just enjoy this life..
Don't worry too much about your partner..
I know God already prepared someone that worth enough for you..
Trust in Him and He will provide everything for you