Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Huu.. Now in class.. 
But didn't do anything because lecturer is on leave..
So class cancel.. 
Huhuhuh.. If I know earlier I wouldn't come to class this morning..
Like usual I'm still at my bed.........Sleep..
So now just online and listening music while waiting for lunch time..
Anyway I only got 1 week left..
Next week is revision week and after that final exam..
Wish me all the best..;) 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beneath the surface

Is there ever really a right time..??
You had led me to believe that some day you would be there for me..
When the star above aline,,when you weren't so concern
I kept looking for the clues..
So I waited in the shadows of my heart
and still the time was never right..
Until one day I stopped caring and begin to forget why I long to be so close..
I disappear into the darkness and the darkness turn into pain
Never went away until all that remain
was buried
beneath the surface..
A shell of what things could have been
tired bones beneath the vail..
Of guarded secret are too frail..
Sad to think I ever knew you were searching for the words
for the moment to emerge,,yet the moment never came..
You couldn't risk my fragile frame..
Until one day,,you stopped caring and began to forget why you tried to be so close..
I would scream just to be heard as if yelling at the stars..
I was bleeding just to feel..
You would never say a word
and kept me reaching the dark..
Its always something to conceal..