Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trip to Paya Pelong on 16/7/11

It's was an amazing trip.. It's takes about 2 or 3 hours to go to that place..
It was a rural place.. We had a really great time over there even though its just for awhile..

Cla is sleeping because tired..hehe
on our way to go back..
on our way to go back..
Me with some other friends doing weird pose..hahaha
hahahaha..This totally looks weird..
photo session
Lunch time..
Pick up some fruits..
Praise and worship.. Sandra as the worship leader..
Brenda,,Awing and Paskal..
Photo session
Lina and Sandra..

Thanks Lord for this enjoyable day with my friends..
This is just our first trip to Paya Pelong.. Just go there to make some side view..
Because there will be a second trip to Paya Pelong and I'm very sure..
It will be more enjoyable than the first trip..
And I won't miss my chance to go there again..;D

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