Sunday, December 9, 2012

Its been a while I didnt post anything in my blog..
Well.. Kinda busy with this 3rd semester..
Gosh..!! My schedule this sem so pack..huhuh
And got so many assignment also..huhuhuh
Now only 2 weeks left..
and what so sad is,,I cant go back during Christmas..:'(
Thats mean I didnt celebrate Christmas at my village this year..
What to do..
My holiday start on 24th Dec until 31st Dec..huhuhuh
Then after 1 week holiday.. Start final exam..
Goosshhh..!! I cant really enjoy Christmas this year..huhuhuh
I wish I can celebrate Christmas with family..:'(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I guess maybe all of you curious about my relationship status on FB..
Well,,after a long time waiting for her and seems like there's nothing happening,,
I've decide to move on..
It's not that Im giving up my feeling towards her
But I don't know how long should I wait for her
when there's are no respond from her..
and she seem to fall in love with other guy..
Well it's time for me to move on I guess..
Its hard to waiting for someone who obviously won't accept us in their life..
But its okay..
Let's forget about the past even though this feeling still there..
And deep down its still hoping for something to happen.
You can't have a better tomorrow if you don't stop thinking about yesterday..

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bring it on!

It's been awhile I didn't post anything because I'm enjoyed my holiday so much..
Anyway I'm just started my new semester early of this month(June)..
I'm glad I made it through my 1st semester 
even though my 1st semester result haven't come out yet..
But our mentor tell us that we passed our 1st semester..hehehehe
Really thank God for that..hehehehe
By the way this new semester kinda tough for me..
because this semester only take 4 month,,
so all my schedule are pack..!!
Even my class also until 6pm..Lucky not 7pm..hahahahha
It's okay..
I'll do my best..!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Your mother bore you Your mother bore you for 9 months,
She watched her feet swell,,she struggled to climb stairs,
She got breathless quick,,
She bore excruciating pain,,
She suffered many sleepless nights,,
She became you nurse,,your chef,,
you teacher,,your cleaner,,your launderette,,
your friend..
She struggled for you,,
but not did she see it as a struggle,,
Not once did she develop regret after all this...
How dare you say even "uff" to her..

I love my mother beyond limits
Do you..????

Friday, May 4, 2012

Final is near..!!

Gosh.. Only 1 more day left..
I feel nervous but at the the same time I feel excited..
hahahahaha.. Weird..
My final exam will start this coming Monday..
Can't wait.. Can't wait..hahahaha
Can't wait for final and can't wait for finish final exam..hahahaha
After that holiday..
But,,I only got 2 weeks holiday..
Never mind,,at least I got holiday..hehehehe
Anyway,,wish me all the best in my final..:) 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Huu.. Now in class.. 
But didn't do anything because lecturer is on leave..
So class cancel.. 
Huhuhuh.. If I know earlier I wouldn't come to class this morning..
Like usual I'm still at my bed.........Sleep..
So now just online and listening music while waiting for lunch time..
Anyway I only got 1 week left..
Next week is revision week and after that final exam..
Wish me all the best..;) 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beneath the surface

Is there ever really a right time..??
You had led me to believe that some day you would be there for me..
When the star above aline,,when you weren't so concern
I kept looking for the clues..
So I waited in the shadows of my heart
and still the time was never right..
Until one day I stopped caring and begin to forget why I long to be so close..
I disappear into the darkness and the darkness turn into pain
Never went away until all that remain
was buried
beneath the surface..
A shell of what things could have been
tired bones beneath the vail..
Of guarded secret are too frail..
Sad to think I ever knew you were searching for the words
for the moment to emerge,,yet the moment never came..
You couldn't risk my fragile frame..
Until one day,,you stopped caring and began to forget why you tried to be so close..
I would scream just to be heard as if yelling at the stars..
I was bleeding just to feel..
You would never say a word
and kept me reaching the dark..
Its always something to conceal..

Friday, March 9, 2012

Counting the days.....

Huuuu.. Its been a while I didnt post anything in my blog..
Well kinda busy lately because next week is my midterm exam..
So gonna focus..
And some more I have a musical extravaganza at my college this coming monday..
It's a singing competition..huhuhuh..
Actually I don't want to join it
my lecturer register my name on it..
I have no choice..
Morning got psychology exam,,
then after exam I've to rush to main campus..
*Mesti kepenatan la ni..
I just can pray to God so He give me strength..
Wish me all the best in my exam and competition..

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Goodbye February
Thanks for all the lesson..
Let see what you have..

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SIBPJ Mission Department Outing

A great thanks to God because all the activities that we're doing last 2 days were going so well..
I'm really thankful for His guidance and blessing for all of us that join this activities..
Last 2 days my church have done some activities which is organized by our Mission Department..
I've spent my 2 days holiday outing with our Mission Department..
There's a lot of activities that we do..
And was I really blessed by the Seminar that organized by our Mission Department..
Because I was able to learn more about what is Mission..
Now I know what is the purpose of Mission or also known as "Missio Dei"..
It's a Latin language which is mean Mission of God..
Thanks to God.. From this,,
I'll surrender all my life in His hands..
I put everything that I need and all I want in His hands..
LORD,,speak to me.. Let me hear You..
When the time is come,,whenever I'm ready
Use me
So that I can go out there tell everyone that You are the way,,the truth and the life..
You are the only one and the only GOD..

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wow.. Its been a while I didn't post anything..hehehehe
Some more its February already..huhuhuhuh..
Never thought time pass so fast..
Well,,kinda busy lately..
Because schedule for this semester is so pack..huhuh
From Monday to Friday full with classes..
lucky on Friday only got 1 class..hehehehe
This sem seem to be so tough for me..
Is not that I haven't study about this subject it just its a bit difficult than before..
Especially when I have physic in my subject for this semester..
But I can't give up yet,,I'll do my best..
And I believe I can get through this semester will a great result..
Because I know He's helping me get through it..
This time I'm giving my best in everything that I do..
Wish me all the best..!!:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why should I care when you don't even care about me
Why should I think about you when you don't even think about me even for a seconds
Why should my heart pounding for you when your heart don't want to pounding for me
Why should I missing you when you didn't miss me at all
why should I searching for you when all you think about is running away from me
Can you tell me why..??
Can you explain to me..??
Even myself can't explain why should I do all of this

Friday, January 13, 2012

Everything's an illusion?

I try to sleep but my eyes are open
I can't think cause my heart is broken
And there's a bottle right next to me
I'll down a few drinks just to take the pain away
I wanna say all the things I need to say
I won't lie, I'll just tell them honestly
If God can take a friend away from me
Then I can say all I want and he won't do anything
My tongue is weak and every time I try to speak I can't say nothing at all

I spend hours tryna make it through the day
I don't know if I'll ever be the same
It's hard enough when you're all alone
In the city that you love,
My tongue is weak and every time I try to speak I can't say nothing,
Nothing at all
It's hard to think when losing someone only make you wanna scream
And now that you're gone

Sleep well, my friend
There will be another moment we'll meet again
Just let it go
Sleep well, goodnight
You're something to remember
I wish that you were here by my side

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh well........

When you're alone, do you think of me?
And my diamond ring's thrown out to see.
And when you love, do you love for me?
Like harmony, a never ending dream.

Oh well, oh well. I still hope for the best.
Say goodbye and send me off with a kiss farewell.
And I promise I'll be just as strong as I can be.
Maybe you could get some sleep tonight

So here's your song. It's twisting me.
I'd give anything to make you scream.
And I'll just smile, and make believe I don't feel a thing.
That doesn't work for me.

Oh well, oh well. Guess I'll see you in hell.
There's a pretty little picture that's in my head.
And I'm starting to dream, changing colours while I sleep.
Maybe I'm just wasting time.

And that was it. I had made it clean just across the street with my new
So I'll just fly and hope that I remember the good times
when it's done.

Oh well, oh well. I can't live with myself as I'm climbing in your window
To get to your bed.
And I'll be what you need, you can call me anything just as long as we're
Still friends.

When she smiles it's got nothing to do with me.
I'm not the one who sings her to sleep.
And I've been talking to God asking for just a little help with you but
It's hopeless.

It's not the first time but this one really carved it in.
Tell your new friends that they don't know you like I do.
It's over. I wanna see you again. I wanna feel it again.

I'll keep you warm safe in my arms. 'Till heaven calls, keep holding on.

Sunday, January 8, 2012