Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SIBPJ Mission Department Outing

A great thanks to God because all the activities that we're doing last 2 days were going so well..
I'm really thankful for His guidance and blessing for all of us that join this activities..
Last 2 days my church have done some activities which is organized by our Mission Department..
I've spent my 2 days holiday outing with our Mission Department..
There's a lot of activities that we do..
And was I really blessed by the Seminar that organized by our Mission Department..
Because I was able to learn more about what is Mission..
Now I know what is the purpose of Mission or also known as "Missio Dei"..
It's a Latin language which is mean Mission of God..
Thanks to God.. From this,,
I'll surrender all my life in His hands..
I put everything that I need and all I want in His hands..
LORD,,speak to me.. Let me hear You..
When the time is come,,whenever I'm ready
Use me
So that I can go out there tell everyone that You are the way,,the truth and the life..
You are the only one and the only GOD..

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