Monday, February 28, 2011

You never know..

You look at me and think,,'he's so happy' but there's so much behind this little smile that you will never know..


I'm tired of trying,,sick of crying,,I know I've been smiling,,but inside I'm dying.. I guess there comes a point where you just have to stop trying because it hurts to much to hold on anymore..T.T


1st time..!

Gaahh..For the first time I'm play all love song in my room.. Suddenly missing someone..:'(


Gossh.. Why la I feel so fucking down this nowadays..
I hate this feeling.. Uurgghh..!! I feel so confuse right now..
I dont know what to do.. Totally fucking confuse..!! I wish Im a robot..!!
So that I dont know how to feel anything..
Dont know how to fall in love,,feel sad,,confuse,,stressed up or whatever.. Damn it..!! Aarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....!!

Changed so much..

Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was trying to understand your situation but did you try to understand my situation..?? Yet you're the one who turn your back on me.. You're the one who go away.. Fine then..


Goodbye.. Nice to know you..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Maybe it's time to say GOODBYE...

If we were never meant to be together.. Then I should say goodbye.. Yes it is hurt.. Damn hurt..
But what to do.. I can't do anything..
Look likes I'm gonna open my heart for anyone who want it..
Just wait and see..:)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A part of me..


Nampaknya kalau terus macam ni bagus sy menjauhkan diri saja.. Daripada meletakkan harapan sy terlalu tinggi dan berharap pada sesuatu yang mungkin tak akan terjadi.. Sy tak tau samada sy harus bertahan atau tak.. Sakit sangat2.. Kalau orang tak mau nak buat macam mana..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hurricane lyrics

No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave
No matter how many breaths that you took you still couldn't breathe
No matter how many nights that you lied wide awake to the sound of the poison rain

Where did you go? where did you go? where did you go?

Heart beat, a heart beat, I need a... heart beat, a heart beat...

Tell me would you kill to save for a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn let it all burn
This hurricane is chasing us all underground.

No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget
No matter how many lives I live, I will never regret
There's a fire inside this heart and a riot about to explode into flames
Where is your God? Where is your God? Where is your God? ...

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to torture for my sins?

Do you really want?
[heart beat, a heart beat]
Do you really want me?
[I need a.. heart beat, a heart beat]
Do you really want me dead?
[you know I gotta leave, I can't stay,
I know I gotta go, I can't stay]
Or alive to live a lie?

Tell me would you kill to save a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn let it all burn
This hurricane's chasing us all underground
You say you wrong, you wrong, I'm right, I'm right, you're wrong, we fight
Ok, I'm running from the light, running from the day to night
Oh, the quiet silence defines our misery
The riot inside keeps trying to visit me
No matter how we try, it's too much history
Too many bad notes playing in our symphony
So let it breathe, let it fly, let it go
Let it fall, let it crash, burn slow
And then you call upon God
Oh you call upon God

Tell me would you kill to save a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn let it all burn
This hurricane chasing us all underground

This hurricane...(x5)

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to torture for my sins?

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to live a lie

Running away from the night, running away from the light
Running away to save you're life

The man..

Wait for the man who calls you beautiful instead of hot,,who calls you back when you hang up on him,,who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,,or will stay awake just to watch you sleep.. Wait for the man who kisses your forehead,,who wants to show you off to the the world when you are in sweats,,who holds your hand in front of his friends,,who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.. The one who turns to his friends and says,, 'thats her.. I want to that man in your life..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I miss you.

What else do I need to say..?? Do I really need some fancy quote to tell you how much I MISS you..?? I don’t think so.. Just know that I miss you.. <3

what if

Do you ever sit and think.. what if..?? What if you never said the first hello..?? What if our paths never crossed..?? What if you kept you mouth shut and just let things pass,,or what if you would have said just one more thing..?? What if you had five more minutes..?? What if you could turn back time or make it all just stand still..?? What if you could say i love you one more time or NEVER had said it all..?? Where would your life be..??

Dreaming that you would be mine. :|

Sunday, February 13, 2011


When I look into her eyes,,it's like my whole world is flipped and everything is put into a new perspective.. I can do things I never thought I could do I can say things to her that I thought I would never be able to say to anyone before.. It's like I just want to be with her forever,,hold her in my arms,,kiss her,,and tell her how she's changed me my life and my everything..


Sometimes I wonder
If I even matter
Because when I speak
The thoughts in my head
Rejection hits me hard
Acceptance lurks in the shadows
And I can’t seem to find it
No matter what I say
It doesn’t seem like
I matter at all
Because I’m just one person
Out of the 6 billion plus on earth
It’s hard for me to believe
Anyone who tells me I’m special
But at least feeling this way
Doesn’t hold me back at all
Because I’m trying
To make a difference in this world
And that’s all that should matter.

Just friend

We're so close but I know I'm just a friend to you.. A friend by your side teaching you everything you do.. A friend who would never leave you for someone new.. A friend who won't make you feel blue.. Only your friend who just happened to fall for you..

Hidden away

Over mountains and sky blue seas
On great circles, will you watch for me?
The sweetest feeling I've got inside
I just can't wait to get lost in your eyes

And all these words that you meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please, don't keep them hidden away

Sing it out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all the same
Holding out for something I believe in
All I really need today

I want to free your heart, I want to see your heart
Please, don't keep your heart hidden away

Saturday, February 12, 2011


As long as I can dream,
as long as I can think,
as long as I have a memory...
I will love you.

As long as I have eyes to see
and ears to hear
and lips to speak...
I will love you.

As long as I have a heart to feel,
a soul stirring within me,
an imagination to hold you...
I will love you.

As long as there is time,
as long as there is love,
as long as there is you,
as long as I have a breath
to speak your name...
I will love you,
because I love
you more
than anything in
all the world.

While I sit and stare at the moon..
While I sit just thinking of you..
As I stare at the beautiful stars..
As I stare wondering just how you are..
While I wonder as I stare and I sit I know
I'll see your face again

Tears please stop..:'(

Oh my.. Why this tears can't stop.. Even though I hold myself not to cry but my heart crying for me..
It's so hurt.. Please tears.. Please stop..I'm begging you.. I know its hurt but theres nothing I can do.. Maybe I'm the only one feel like this.. Am I waiting for the things that never will be happen.. God,,help me.. I'm totally confuse now.. I feels like I'm lost something important.. Damn it..!! Why I feel this way when she don't even be mine.. I don't think she have a feelings for me.. I'm totally dreaming but I can't help myself to waiting her.. If someday she choose someone else,,then maybe I should let it go..

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm feel so sad..

Gosh.. Why am I feel so sad today.. Feels like I'm losing something important..
Last night I cant sleep.. Is it because she gonna go far away..?? Hurm.. I wish I can meet her before she go.. This gonna be a long journey for me.. If I'm wanna waiting for her..:'(

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I don't need glasses..



I won't be like this without you..

Don’t know why you are so special to me..?? why I like you..?? Why I care for you..?? Why I always think of you..?? Why I loved you but one thing for sure I know that my life won’t be like this without you..

Still waiting..

I said to myself before.. that I won't cry because of girl again since my ex leave me.. But I never thought that I'll cried again.. Maybe we were never meant to be together.. But I'm still waiting for you..


I've been thinking a lot of decision that I've made.. My decision to waiting her even though it for a long time.. I don't know how I can fall in love so deeply with her.. Sometimes I'm thinking am I fall in love with her because I'm tired of being alone..?? No.. I don't think so.. I fall for her because she's so amazing.. Her personality attracted me even though we just known each other not for a long time.. Actually I really can't describe my feeling towards her with words,,but all I can say is I need her and I love her.. I don't care if I have to wait for a long time.. In my eyes,,she's so special.. So special until everywhere I go I think of her.. Oh my,,never thought I'll fall so deeply like this.. I wondering,,will she accept my love..?? I wish I can read her mind so I can know about her feeling towards me.. Hurm.. Never mind,,I'll just wait for her and I won't give up..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Should I smile cause we were friends,,or should I cry cause that's all well ever gonna be.. I'm totally confuse..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Only you..

It's YOU.. You mean everything to me.. you are the first thought in my head in the morning when I wake up;; my last thought before I go to bed.. You smile at me in my dreams.. When you are sad,, I fell sad,, and when I see your true smile,, I feel incredible,, like there is no other thing around and all I can see is you..

What is LOVE..??

Love is patient,

love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

Friday, February 4, 2011


This ring,,reminds me of her..
Every time I wear it.. Its feel like she's near with me..
I totally miss her..

Why I'm crying..??

I'm mad at myself for crying,, I don't even remember the reason but the tears keep flowing and they just wont stop I'm supposed to be strong but everything's so wrong..

Somehow we have to learn..

Sometimes - no matter how long,
or how much you love someone,
they will never love you back and
somehow you have to learn to be okay with that

If I

If I reach for your hand,,will you hold it?

If I hold out my arms,,will you hug me?

If I go for your lips,,will you kiss me?

If I capture your heart,,will you love me?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I love every little thing about you..

I love you. I love every little thing about you,

your sexy smile, the sound of your voice, the magic in your eyes. I love your gentle touch and the warmth I feel at your side I love dreaming about you. I love discovering you and letting go with you. I love each and every once in a lifetime moments I share with you today, tomorrow, forever.

Your the best thing that ever happen to me..

I can't get you out of my mind, I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you... how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh... I day-dream about you off and on, replaying pieces of our conversation, laughing at funny things that you said or did... I've memorized your face and the way that you look at me... I catch myself smiling again at what I imagine... I wonder what will happen the next time we are together, I know one thing for sure, your the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't know why I feel like I'm gonna missing something important to me..
I feel empty early this morning.. Knowing that she will go back.. I wish I can ask her to go out again.. Now I'm thinking,,Should I keep this feelings..?? Not only me who likes her.. But I know others who likes her.. I'm not that type of easy to give up,,I just confuse right now..
When I'm with her like yesterday,,I feel so different.. It's feel like I already know her for too long..
Even though we just know each others.. Oh my,,this feeling sometimes killing me.. I wish she knows that I really-really fall in love with her..

She the one..

Today is my first time going out watching movie with her..
For the first time I wait her at KL sentral and for the first time we walk together meeting others friends that already waiting at Midvalley..
I know I had a feeling on her and she know about it..
But all I wanna say is,,I never felt this way before.. When she's around me.. My eyes keep looking at her.. And I always stand beside her.. My heart beat so faster when I met her at KL sentral and beating more faster when we walking together and talking..
I like the way she talk,,the way she laugh,,the way she smile,,the way she make her face expression of no comment..hahahaha.. The way she make a jokes.. Her eyes,,make me melting.. Her lips.. Her pretty,,beautiful and cute face.. Wow..I totally in love with her.. I really want her to be my special one.. If not right know,,I'll wait for her.. I wont find another girls because my heart totally for her.. And know,,I always thinking about her.. She's always make's me feel better whenever I am sad,, even though she don't know that I'm sad.. She always cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood.. Makes me feel comfortable.. She's so perfect for me,,even though she feel she's not that perfect.. She the one I want..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I'm only me..

I'm only me.
That is all I can be.
No more, no less, dont second guess.
I love, I live, I laugh, I cry.
I've wished sometimes that I could die.
Some days I'm funny, others I'm not,
sometimes I'm in overdrive and I can't stop.
You may not like me,
but that's okay because this is me and how I'll stay.

You and I

I'm feeling distracted
And likewise attracted
To all the things that you let me know
To all the things that you can't let go

You're waiting for friction
The empty addiction
Is forcing me to intervene
Let's break out of this scene

I know I'm not alone
I'm not the only one who is broken
And I know I'll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it's you and I

You and I
I watch you take over
I'll give you this offer
Take my hand and we will run away
Leave behind our past to stay
Decaying till its rotten
We'll have long forgotten
The memories that will haunt your heart

Let's tear this town apart
I know I'm not alone
I'm not the only one who is broken
And I know I'll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it's you and I
You and I

We watched the world go by
But if it's you and I
Then we will never die
No we can never die
We watch the world go by
But if it's you and I
Then we will never die

I know I'm not alone
I'm not the only one who is broken
And I know I'll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it's you and I
You and I
I know I'm not alone
I'm not the only one who is broken
And I know I'll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it's you and I
You and I...