Monday, May 30, 2011

Who am I..?? Totally confused............

Lately,,I feel like I'm lost myself..
I don't even know who I am... I'm kinda confuse of what happening around me..
Confused of everything.. Confused with my feeling,,with my friends..Everything..!!
I don't know what happen to me..
There's a lot of things going through my mind,,and I don't know how to deal with it..
Sometimes I'm freaking out..
Right now,,I feels like I'm slowly dying from the inside..
Gosh.. I wish I am a robot..
How long can I pretend that I'm okay when deep down in me,,
I'm totally not okay..
Sometimes I feels like my heart want me to fall in love but my mind says don't fall in love..
What am I suppose to do..??
I try to be tough but I'm just not strong enough to handle this situations..
Can I just give up in everything..??
Its feel like I already lost my hope..

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