Tuesday, March 29, 2011


As day go pass by,,this feeling seems to fading away
I try to hold on but I'm not strong enough to hold on for too long..
I don't know if I can wait..
But I feel like I'm getting tired already..
I'm tired with all of this.. I'm tired of waiting and hoping,,but you seems to go away from me..
I give you all of me but looks like there's no hope at all..
I'm not gonna forget you but I'm gonna let you go and move on..
I don't know if I wanna start it over again..
I too tired already.. I just wanna rest for a while..
Maybe I don't deserve you.. You deserve someone better than me..
I'm sorry,,I'm not good enough for you..
I'm sorry because I can't be perfect..

Monday, March 28, 2011

I tell you that I love you..
But you said you're not ready yet for any relationship..
And I said I'll wait for you but you said you won't promise me anything..
But I said it's okay,,because I'm the one who want to wait for you..
And now I'm still waiting and hoping that someday we will be together..
But I don't know
If we never meant to be,,then I should just let go..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There are times when I wanna tell the world how much I love someone but,
the world already knows how much that person loves someone else

Monday, March 21, 2011

Letting go~

We can never turn back the pages of time,
though we may wish to relive a happy moment, or say goodbye just one last time,
we never can,
because the sands of time continue to fall,
and we can’t turn the hourglass over
It's time to letting go..
It's okay.. I'll be okay..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just saying

She have no idea how many times I look at her and think
"If only I had the courage to say what my heart thinks"
Sometimes its better not to say anything, than to say how you truly feel and make things worse.

Bukan kali pertama

Ni bukan kali pertama saya rasa begitu merindui seseorang..
Cuma setelah sekian lama perasaan ni kembali lagi dan membuat saya sedih..
Tak ada apa yang dapat saya lakukan selain berdiam..
Kenapa la tiba2 perasaan ni datang lagi..
Saya ingatkan saya dah dapat melupakan dia dan terus move on..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Diamond on a landmine by Billy Talent 3


Slapped my face, slammed the door
A dozen roses lay on the floor
I saw her friends and I was told
She blocked my number from her cell phone
You said we were meant to be
Now this obsession is killing me
Until I have a heart attack
I'll keep on trying to win you back

Alone at last,
I can't wait till we're alone at last
All i wanted was a second chance, second chance
To hold you in my arms at last

Forever, forever
I'll walk a thousand miles
Just to tell her, to tell her
Our love is still alive
And I'll never, I'll never
I'll never let it die
Well you'd better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine

I'm not so sure about this word
But she kept calling me insecure
I tried to quit but there's no use
Cause I'm addicted to her abuse
She's in control of everything
I'm just a puppet, she pulls my strings
Denying truth, I'll test my fate
And keep on playing this wicked game

Alone at last,
I can't wait till we're alone at last
All i wanted was a second chance, second chance
To hold you in my arms at last

Forever, forever
I'll walk a thousand miles
Just to tell her, to tell her
Our love is still alive
And I'll never, I'll never
I'll never let it die
Well you'd better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Waiting to explode

We're dancing on thin ice before
Frozen from the winter's cold
And if it were to crack below
I'd never let you go

Alone at last,
I can't wait till we're alone at last
All i wanted was a second chance, second chance
To hold you in my arms at last

Forever, forever
I'll walk a thousand miles
Just to tell her, to tell her
Our love is still alive
And I'll never, I'll never
I'll never let it die
Well you'd better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Waiting to explode

Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better watch your step
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better not touch her
She's a diamond on a landmine
Better to forget her
She's a diamond on a landmine
Waiting to explode

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When I play..Its make me smile
Even though its tired sometimes..hahahaha

Drumming has become a huge part of my life..
I will never stop playing..

I'm so alone

I felt lonely.

It was the only word to describe it.

Loneliness. Being alone, nobody there beside you.

It’s amazing how much somebody can affect you.

You know she’s really a part of you when your emotions follow hers, even though you don’t exactly understand it.

Then the loneliness creeps in, because she’s the only one whom you have been able to turn to.

You share so much to her, you didn’t have the time and the effort to open up to anybody else. She’s the only person who understands you now.

But she wants space for a while. Told you to lay off for some time while she gets herself together.

Not understanding what you feel; it’s influenced by her emotions, which you can’t seem to comprehend.

This is so hard.

The only way to make me feel alive again is if she does too.

I’m so lonely when she’s sad.

I’m so alone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Think deeply..

Why everyone seems to blame love when their relationship got problems..
Is it love fault that cause them broken hearted..??
Some people said that love hurts,,love sucks and whatsoever..
Until some of them afraid to fall in love because they don't want to get hurt again..
Actually its their fault.. Their fault because choose the wrong person..
To be in love its good because we share our happiness with someone that we love..
Share everything with them.. Maybe we also share our secret with them also.. Who knows..
But if we want to find the right person,,pray and wait for God to answer our prayer..
Don't just follow your desire to be in love.. If you follow your desire,,thats will make you hurt and broken heart when God take him/her from you.. And when you love your spouse,,accept them for who or what they are.. Accept their negative side.. Don't only look them by their positive side just because they are good looking..
But the true meaning of love is in the Bible..
True love from our Father in heaven.. HE died for us.. HE carry the cross to save us from our sins.. When we fall,,HE always there for us..
If we compare our love than God love.. Which one is the true love..??
So think deeply.. Don't simply said that love hurt or suck.. Or blame love when you disappointed by the one you love..

Love is patient
Love is kind
It does not envy,,it does not boast,,it is not proud
It does not dishonor others,,it is not self-seeking,,it is not easily angered
It keeps no record of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
It always protect,,always trusts,,always hopes,,always perseveres
Love never fails..

1 Corinthians 13 : 4-8a

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Early morning by Alesana

Last night I forgot how the sound your voice whispered sweet
Goodbyes, your eyes left to die
I'm alone too
I don't stand why

Why not one more night
one last kiss good bye
my sweet love tonight
I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

Kiss my closings eyes
Help me sleep without you I'm so lost
Tonight I cry
Tell me why
I can't live without your warm embrace

Why not one more night
one last kiss good bye
my sweet love tonight
I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

I close my eyes and you are everything I see

Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
I'll see you soon
Goodbye my love
Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
Let me live

Friday, March 11, 2011

What the.........

I wish she can see through my eyes and realize that how much I love her..
I don't know why I can't just tell her that I love her..
Before this I did try to tell her but when I see her,,I can't even say a single words..
I choked like that..
What the.........
Now how am I suppose to tell her..??
Just say it like that..??
Hah..!! Better no need..


I can't sleep with you on my mind..
Every time I close my eyes you were in my thought..
It makes me cannot sleep at all..
So I decide not to sleep because I'm trying not to think about you..


I don't know if I'm getting better right now or I'm already used to this pain..
I feel so empty.. I wonder why..
I totally empty right now..

As you wish

Life is meaningless without you
Love can be such a beautiful torture
My heart breaks as I long for you
Love can be such lovely torture

I will climb the hills, draw my sword and take down
Anyone who tries to stand in front of me
Please know I’ll never run away without you in my arms
One day lovers will dream of this undying kiss
Not of Romeo or Juliet
Stories told of our love will never die

I’ve slain the most unholy things, endured such terrific pain
Finally I’ll feel your caress again
I’ve braved the cold and lonely seas, I have prevailed against the odds
Then again…

I will climb the hills, draw my sword and take down
Anyone who tries to stand in front of me
Please know I’ll never run away without you in my arms
One day lovers will dream of this undying kiss
Not of Romeo or Juliet
Stories told of our love will never die

Will you forgive what I’ve done to give you four white horses?

One day lovers will dream of this undying kiss
Not of Romeo or Juliet
Stories told of our love will never die.


Sometimes I feel like no one cares.
Sometimes I feel like no one is there.
Sometimes I want to kill myself.
Sometimes I think I need some help.
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone.
Sometimes I'm in an empty zone.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not alive.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm deprived.
Sometimes I think the world should end.
Sometimes I think I have no friends.
Sometimes I want to make them see that sometimes I wish I wasn't me...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dead memories

Sitting in the dark, I can't forget
Even now, I realize the time I'll never get
Another story of the bitter pills of fate
I can't go back again, I can't go back again

But you asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a contract to commit
And when I got away I only got so far
The other me is dead, I hear his voice inside my head

And we were never alive and we won't be born again
But I'll never survive with dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

You told me to love you and I did
Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit
So when I got away I only kept my scars
The other me is gone now I don't know where I belong

And we were never alive and we won't be born again
But I'll never survive with dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Dead visions in your name
Dead fingers in my veins

Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Leave things unsaid

I feel so down nowadays.. I know why I'm feel sad.. But every time I try to cheer myself up..
Its getting worse.. Damn.. I tired being like this..
Why can't I just let her go and move on.. She's with someone else now..
She's happy with that guy.. Why should I ruin it..
I don't want to destroy their relationship..
But I just can't stop thinking about her..
I wonder if I tell her earlier what would happen to me and her..
Would she accept me or not..
But sometimes is better to leave things unsaid
than tell the truth and make one side hurt..

I guess its too late to cry
too early to regret
too dumb to ask why
too good to forget
too honest to say I still love you
too foolish to say I'm doing fine
too desperate to wish my life is through
too selfish to wish you're still mine..

The drummer

Joey Jordison from Slipknot.. This is my idol..:)
Trivium ex-drummer.. Travis Smith.. I like the way he play double bass drum..
Cradle of Filth drummer.. Marthus.. I speechless with his blast speed..haha;p
Lamb Of God drummer.. Chris Adler.. His double bass style so unique for me..
As I lay Dying drummer.. Jordan Mancino.. I like the way he play in their song "The sound of truth"..Its awesome..;)

This is the list of the drummer that I used to practice my skills and double pedal style..
All of them gots different style and skills.. But when I combine all their style and skills..
Wow.. Its so fucking awesome..!!
They are my teacher..:)

Buried myself alive

You almost always pick the best time,
to drop the worst lines.
You almost made me cry again this time.
Another false alarm,
red flashing lights.
Well this time I'm not going to watch myself die.

I think I made it a game to play your game
and let myself cry.
I buried myself alive on the inside,
so I could shut you out,
and let you go away for a long time. GET OUT!

I guess it's ok I puked the day away.
I guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way.
And if you want me back,
you're gonna have to ask.

I think the chain broke away,
and I felt it the day that I had my own time
I took advantage of myself and felt fine.
But it was worth the night,
I caught an early flight and I made it home.

I guess its ok I puked the day away
I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way.
And if you want me back
you're gonna have to ask
nicer than that
nicer than that...

With my foot on your neck
I finally have you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you

I guess its ok I puked the day away
I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way
And if you want me back,
You're gonna have to ask

Nicer than that,(I guess its ok I puked the day away)
Nicer than that (I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way)
Yeah, and if you want me back,
You're gonna have to ask
Nicer than that

Monday, March 7, 2011

Joey Jordison Pearl double bass drum..

This is the pearl Joey Jordison export 7 piece double bass drum.. I've been wanting this drum for too long.. Damn.. I wish I had this drum right now..
If I had enough money I won't missed out to buy this drum set..
I don't know why I'm so addicted playing drum..Before this I don't know how to play instrument.. All I know is singing only..
honestly my voice not that good..hahahaha..
And then my brother teach me how to play guitar because he wanna make a band and I'm one of them.. But I learn guitar so slow..
Then he try to teach me playing bass guitar.. But I don't interested at all playing bass guitar..
Without he knows I've learn playing drum by my self..
I start playing drum in church.. I'm watch my friend playing drum and observe the way he playing drum.. Then I practice by my self..hahahaha.. I never thought I enjoyed playing drum than guitar or bass guitar..hahahaha
Now I'm the drummer in our band and I'm gonna keep practicing so that I can play drum perfectly..
Keep it up T-gun..!!:)

Why am I so blind.. The girl that I truly love were right in front of me..
She always near with me but I was too blind to realize it..
I never thought that she's the one that I'm looking for
but I go for the wrong person.. Damn I'm totally blind...
I'm so stupid..!! I don't know what I should do now.. I am confuse..
Should I tell her or just let it be.. Just let this feeling go like that..
I don't want she think that I'm a player..
All this time I was in love with her but I didn't realize it and denied this feeling..
I thought it was nothing.. I thought we never be more than a friend..
Now I know,, every time I see her.. My heart beat so fast.. I feel totally different.. Its not normal at all...
And when she's far away,,I can't stop thinking about her..
Every second,, every minute,, every hours,,everyday..
I'll think of her..
Its already too late for me to tell her about my true feeling..
Now I feel so lost..
If I ever had a chance to tell you that
I really LOVE you..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

When I cant sleep

I sit
And stare at the moon
While I sit
Just thinking of you
As I stare
At the beautiful stars
As I stare
Wondering just how you are
While I wonder
As I stare and I sit
I know I'll see
Your face again


I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..I miss you..I miss you..
I miss you..

Here I am

Is it worth the can you even hear me
Standing with your spotlight on me
Not enough to feed the hungry
I'm tired and I felt it for awhile now
In this sea of lonely
The taste of ink is getting old
It's four o' clock in the fucking morning
Each day gets more and more like the last day
Still I can see it coming
While I'm standing in the river drowning
This could be my chance to break out
This could be my chance to say goodbye
At last it's finally over
Couldn't take this town much longer
Being half dead wasn't what I planned to be
Now I'm ready to be free

So here I am it's in my hands
And I'll savor every moment of this
So here I am alive at last
And I'll savor every moment of this

I'm happy..

“I’m happy for you.”
That’s probably the biggest and hardest lie you can say to someone you still love,
who found someone else to love

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What are words..:)

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close
Its hurt to see you with someone else..

Friday, March 4, 2011



I'll be just fine..

I'll be just fine pretending I'm not...
I'm far from lonely and its all that I've got
Yeah its all that I've gone..

It hurt yo much

Crimson tears run down my arm,,

All the pain and all the harm..

My only way to let it out,,I wanna scream,,I wanna shout..

But I don’t make a sound,,I keep it inside..

I wanna break out,,but instead I hide..

I sit in my room,,and hide in my shell,, The life that I’m living,,my own private hell..

The crimson tears,,down my arm they run..

I look down at my arm,,what have I done..

Looking for you

Why am I looking for you
When I didn't see you
I feel sad..:'(

Sob.. Sob..

When all the city sleep,,I'm still stay awake..
When Im looking through the window
you came across my mind and it makes me feel sad
coz Im all alone tonight
I wish you were here with me..:'(

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I caught fire - The Used

Seem to stop my breath
My head on your chest
Waiting to cave in
From the bottom of my...
Hear your voice again
Could we dim the sun
And wonder where we've been
Maybe you and me
So kiss me like you did
My heart has stopped beating
Such a softer sin

(I'm melting, I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while

And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me

Never caught my breath
Every second I'm without you I'm a mess
Ever know each other
Trust these words are stones
My cuts are healing
Learning how to love

I'm melting (I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while

And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me...

(Stay with me lay with me now)

You could stay and watch me fall
And of course I'd ask for help
Just stay with me now
We could take our heads off, stay in bed
Just make love, that's all
Just stay with me now
I'm melting (I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while
and I'm melting

In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while
and I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me lay with me
(Stay with me, lay with me)

In your eyes
Lets sleep till the sun burns out
I'm melting in your eyes (I'm melting in your eyes)
Lets sleep till the sun burns out
I'm melting in your eyes

Letting love find a way - The Used

Lay your head down just for now
Space fills your mind and you dream awhile
The sun floods your room as you drown
your lungs full of breathing
Your true love believe

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

Move let the stars suck you in
Hold tight, the night's air and breathe again
Let go and be burnt by the moon
Your hands full of feeling your true love, Believe

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

I love you to death
Could you love me to death
Could you love me

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

Letting love find a way

Dataran Merdeka..!!

Enjoy this life..!!;)
On call..My mom call..hahaha
Mcm rindu seseorang jak sy ni..hahahaha
At dataran merdeka..hehehe

I'm holding real gun.. Glock 17..hahaha
Nice helicopter..hahaha
I'm standing next to rocket launcher..hehehe
Do I look like Rambo..??hahahah;p
Me and my lovely converse..hehehe;p

Jalan2 di dataran merdeka dengan Azrole.. Saja2 sebab boring berperuk dalam bilik jak..hahahaha;p

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sold my life to bring the rain
maybe to wash me clean
Sold my soul to stop the pain
hoping you'd set me free
All your fears,,all the pain
You know that you can lay it all on me

Good Charlotte- Victims of love lyric

In the beginning, I tried to warn you
You play with fire, its gonna burn you
And here we are now, in the same situation,
You never listen, I never listen
Now I am thinking of a way that I can make an escape
It's got me caught up in a web and my hearts the prey
Do you really wanna throw your heart away, away, away?

Everybody's hurt somebody before
Everybody's been hurt by somebody before
You can change but you will always come back for more
Its a game and we are all just victims of love.
Don't try to fight it, victims of love
You can't decide it, victims of love, victims of love

Now you've back tracked
You're running away cause it just happened again and you don't want it to end
Trying your best to not let yourself go cold, so cold.
Now you think about the things you thought you wanted to say
But when you open up your mouth it don't come out that way
Are you really gonna throw your heart away?

Everybody's hurt somebody before
Everybody's been hurt by somebody before
You can change but you will always come back for more
Its a game and we are all just victims of love.
Don't try to fight it, victims of love
You can't decide it, victims of love, victims of love
You never listen, I never listen
Now I am thinking of a way that I can make an escape
It's got me caught up in a web and my hearts the prey
Do you really wanna throw your heart away, away, away?