Saturday, November 27, 2010


A year has passed.. One year she went with no news..Without ever contact me.. I don't know what already happen to her..Since she go away,,I'm alone.. I don't know how to say it but I feel so lonely..From outside I'm smilingbut inside I'm dying..Before this I really can't forget her.. She was everything to me..But I have to move on..I have to forget about my past and start a new life..I don't want to waste my time waiting and hoping for the things that never happen..I don't want stuck in my past for too long.. Because I wanna change and make a new story of my life..I want to fall in love..Yes,,I want to fall in love again..But it's not that easy to make someone fall in love for me..Fall in love with the right girl.. With the girl who truly care for me.. And always go to church..Sometimes,,I confused about finding someone special..It's hard and not easy.. And sometimes I also don't know about my feelings..Until now.. I found someone..But I'm not sure if she's the right girl for me.. I don't know if she love me..But what I know is I'm falling in love with her.. I wish I can tell her about my feelings but I'm afraid.. I'm afraid being rejected..I don't know if she already noticed that I fall in love with her..But someday I hope she will know about it and that time..I hope she can accept me as someone special in her heart..And I'll never forget to pray for all of this..I'll surrender everything in HIS hands..

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